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Let Me Love You

Let Me Love You

Author:Caily Xin


Tove Kate Rodriguez , a beautiful young adult who doesn't care much about her physical appearance. Finn Riley Cruz, a man of any girl's dream - a drop dead gorgeous elite. Tove experienced love in the past but was cheated. Few years later, she met Riley unexpectedly. Being hindered by her past...Will she be able to have her happy ever after or will it just cause her another heartbreak?
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  "Sir Finn, an article regarding your sexual orientation is now trending in the internet, what should we do?" my executive secretary said while showing me the news article online. 

  I curled my eyebrow against each other and said "Do not waste your time with things like that, Jane."

  "Tell me how many times did something like this happened in the past??" I asked

  "Hmmmm... Twice?... Thrice?..." she shyly answered while trying to remember how many times we did encounter similar issues like this while counting on her fingers.

  "Shall we just focus finalizing our upcoming presentation for this week." I told her with a hint of annoyance, ending our conversation there preparing to leave when suddenly my phone rang...

  It was my best friend, Josh, so I answered it immediately.

  "I heard the news.. You're trending online, bro!" He said over the phone.

  "What news are you talking about?" I asked pretending I didn't know anything yet.

  "Are you f*cking serious?! Its all over the internet by now. Why don't you join me in a motel? Just you and me bro! Hahahha!! Ohhh nooo pleaassseeee.... Uhhh!!" He said trying not to laugh at his weird joke.

  "Haha, are you nuts! As if you'd believe something like that!" I uttered

  "I know, Finn... I called you just to invite you here in our fave spot whenever we have free time during our college days. We already know how famous you are in the business world but for us, you're just our buddy Finn Riley Cruz." He added before ending the phone call.

  I checked the time, luckily its not that late that I can still go there so I drive fast until I reached my destination...


  After I enter the club, I saw Josh from a far waiving his hands from left to right, signaling me "Over Here!" so I went where he was.

  "Where are they?" I asked Josh cause he's the only person sitting in the sofa. "Got ya! Hahaha sorry I'd lie. Its just me, Finn." He said and was about to hug me.

  "F*ck off, Josh!! Are you insane! Look at yourself cross-dressed, fake wigs and that heavy make up on your face... do you really want to add more fuel to the fire!" I angrily whispered in his ears and pushed him away from me.

  "No!, please noooooo Finn I'm not ready yet." Josh screams with his voice drastically change into a girly wierd tone.

  I also noticed that people around us were starting to look at us. This isn't right.

  "Tell me how many bottles of alcohol did you drink? Are you trying to ruin my reputation even more, Josh?" I asked trying to hide my annoyance of him

  "Ouch!!! You're hurting my feelings." he said acting like he was hurt.

  "Snap out of it Josh or I'll Leave this building as soon as possible!!" I warned him yet he just cracked a laugh and start to remove his wig and wipe his fuchsia pink lipstick on his lips using his hand and asked me "Don't you even appreciate my effort?"

  "I'd rather appreciate it if you'd just go straight to the point why'd you summoned me here" I asked straightforwardly and gave him a light smack at the back of his head.

  "Okay! Chill! You're way too serious." he replied touching his head where I hit him and smiled at me like a madman

  "Look I have a suggestion to tell you... Why not look for a new girlfriend better yet a fiancée? someone you can show in the public so this shitty news may come to an end. Besides, you're rich and handsome as hell no one can ever resist someone like you." He said but this time with a more serious and authoritative tone.

  "Josh, after all that happened in the past? I don't think I can. You know I have no time for that." I replied declining his suggestion.

  "Just this once... Finn, think about it? Remember your father told you before? the arrange marriage???"

  "What do you mean?"

  He tapped me on the shoulder and said "Why don't you grab the opportunity? The marriage... You know what I mean? No commitments just all business but who knows maybe in time you will learn how to love the girl as time goes by... Knowing that its been years since that incidence, I think you need to help yourself and move on, I am only saying this for your own good."

  "I'll think about it, just give me a few days to decide." I replied, got up from my seat and left him behind.

  As soon as I arrived at my home, I went straight to my room and turned my laptop on to check if there were new emails sent from overseas.

  Few seconds later...

  Are you dumb, Finn?! Do you still expect she'll send you a f*cking email after all these years???!! Why am I still hoping??!!