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Life Or Death *Sampled*

Life Or Death *Sampled*



Jane Wilburg wakes up in a dark and mysterious cave and can't remember how she got there. Little does she know that she has entered the bloodthirsty game of, "Life or Death." She faces many battles in the fight for her life but it's hard when you keep knocking out. She tries anything but nothing seems to get her out. Join Jane on her journey to find out if she will survive or if she would suffer a painful death and end up just like all the other victims of the treacherous and deadly game.
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Okay, So my grammar isn't on point.

Believe me, I know.

I think this is because of the language that I speak. I naturally speak dialect, and grammar is not my thing. But, I know I have to make it my thing if I want to become a writer. 

So feel free to point out my errors, thank you.

Okay, enjoy!

Where am I? I thought to myself as I steadily rose from the bed. I batted my eyes across the room and noticed that I had never seen this place before. It was so dark that I could barely see my own hands.

 I soon realized that I was in a cave due to the distinct sound of water droplets and the feeling of rough and prickly walls. I started to walk around searching endlessly for a way out. After a good while of walking, I finally came across the essence of light in the distance.

 I dashed toward the light merrily and when I came beneath the light source, I bathed in the wonderous glory like if it were the first time in years I've seen light. I could now see clearly! 

Suddenly I was hit with reality and I then noticed what I was wearing. I had on an orange prison jumper. Prison clothes! shrieked my mind. My blonde curls were tied into a loose ponytail and my head ached excruciatingly.

 I looked up and saw where the light was coming from. Was I in a cave or a man-hole, I processed. There was no way that I could have possibly climbed out of here. The walls went smooth all the way up to the top about 20ft. I now had no choice but to find a way out on foot.

 I continued walking and I could now see that in the distance laid an oaken table with some things on it. I couldn't tell what they were so, I walked up closer and saw there was a paper, two pills and a glass of water. 

I suspiciously took up the paper and it read. 

Welcome to Life Or Death. You have entered a game with only one way out. A game where you can not escape without a shout. You must bear the pain within. Face the challenges and win. If you don't, you won't even have time to regret, for your life would be in great debt. You shall face this on your own, With no help and it's no choice, for she alone shall face the battles that await Alois. With these rules, you shall abide. Fight these battles with your life. See beside you lies some pills, take them to ease the chills, that aches so bad in the head and if you don't you'll end up dead.

I just rested the paper back onto the table and walked away thinking, What the hell did I just read. My brain spun around my head like a tornado trying to wrap my head around what was going on.

 I had so many questions like, Where am I? Why am I here? How did I get here? What was that poem all about? Is this really a game or is someone messing with me? How do I get out? I then stopped and slowly walked back to the table. This was probably the only way that I could've got answers.

 I took up the paper and read it again. My head was getting worse so I had no choice but to take the pills. I fetched up the pills and placed them in my mouth. My brain screamed, Spit it out, spit it out, Jane. But I just can't tolerate pain. I hate it! I shakingly took up the tall glass of water and gulped down the pills. Water leaked slightly from my mouth so I used the palm of my left hand to wipe it away when I noticed writing on the palm of my left and right hands. 

It stated, "See how easy you are to manipulate." My eyes grew wide in terror as I dropped the paper and the glass of water. The water-filled glass smashed into the ground and the paper drifted slowly away and I dropped to my knees. 

"What the hell is going on?!" I bawled as tears evoked from my emerald eyes.

 And seconds after I screamed those words, I heard a bell ring. And I was out, like a light.


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