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Manan made for each other

Manan made for each other



Manik was a business man, he had his own business Delhi, he had a sister named Mukhti, she has gotten married to abhi and settled in London . Manik has friends and they settled in Australia. Manik is very quiet and a honest person. Nandini is funny, happy go girl, everyone knows and see her smile and think she is the happiest person. Because she keeps her saddest part of her life to her and weeps her eyes out till she falls asleep every night. Manik is not interested in getting married, but Mukhti is worried about her little brother ,this time when she came to visit him again she is determined to get girl and marry her to his brother. What happens when the two opposite person meet each other This is a romantic story and these characters and places are my creativity and please support me in this journey .
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  Mukhti was determined to get Manik married this time, Manik and Mukhtis parents died when they were teenagers, it was very difficult time for them but together those siblings grew up and become successful as their parents wished.

  When Manik started his own business, Mukhti accompanied him althrough the tough situation , when she thinks her brother can handle himself she told him about her love of life Abhimanyu.

  Mukhti , manik and abhimanyu are college mates. Abhimanyu liked Mukhti from the start but didn't dare say in the fear of Manik would beat him up, he tried many times and successfully get mukthis attention finally and secretly took her far away from Manik and proposed her, she was happy but little confused and asked abhimanyu some time.

  All the time they secretly message each other and meet each other even after they finished their college, when abhimanyu got a job on London, abhimanyu asked her to marry him, she was surprised and happy. Mukthi doesn't want to leave her brother alone and she tried to get a girl for him, but Manik was very serious in developing his business and not interested in marriage or getting a girlfriend.

  Manik understood her sisters conflicts and encouraged her to get married and accompany abhimanyu to London.

  It's been 2 year's Mukhti got married and Maniks business was very well and successful , Mukhti tried many times talking him into getting married but Manik doesn't seem to interested , this time she wants to get him married and choose alliances for his brother and she chooses a few girls and their family background.

  Manik got a call from his sister, that she is coming to India to visit him . Manik shook his head at the arrival of his sister knowing very well of what's about to come .

  He was used to this argument between them and he thought that he could manage his sister.

  Somewhere in the south india

  Sun rays are falling through the window and brightness spread the room, there is a knock on the door. The sheets ruffles but the person doesn't want to wake up, there came a multiple knocks and after a few ruffles the sheets fall down and there she woke up to get ready for college, it's only a month more to graduate from college.

  She is the youngest daughter of their house, everyone in the house pampers her.

  When she got ready to leave the house for college

  Her father stopped her ,before he could say anything she thinks OMG what did I do now, I haven't done anything naughty these days ,I have trying my hardest to be a good girl.

  What does father stopped me this time.

  With all the confusion in her mind she followed his father to garden and stood infront of him,

  Her father sat there a moment and his look seems far away, nandini didn't dare say a word because when ever her father wants to talk to her would be to give her punishment because of her naughtiness. She is prepared to get scolded by her father.

  After a few minutes her father cleared his throat and asked her about how's her studies, nandini said its going fine father, there is a final semester in 15 days and after that it's not that important to attend the college after that.

  Then she said shall I go father, it's getting late to college.

  Her father asked her to come home early today, she seems to look confused of her father's request and hesitantly asked why and her father replied quietly there is an alliance coming to see you. She was stunned at his reply and didn't move from her spot for few minutes.

  After she came out of the shock she said father I'm not ready to get married.

  Her father said calmly, I have already gathered information about that family and the boy is very good and has his own company, more over they asked you first, I don't think I couldn't get you more best alliance than this.

  Nandini still tried to say something but her father looked straight at her and said I am not getting any younger, you know soon I'm going to retire and I don't want to burden your brother more, you are my responsibility, you sure well know about my health, before anything happens to me I want to see you happily married. Please agree to get married my daughter and he stood and went away from there.

  Nandini's stood there nearly half an hour and after a few silent tears she ran away to college with heavy heart.