Leonie had done her homework before coming to St Winifred's. She had read all of the Malory Towers girls' boarding school stories by Enid Blyton, where the only American student was a character called Zerelda Brass.
Zerelda was described as dumb, lazy and vain with ambitions of becoming a film star. Like Leonie she also had an English grandmother.
Given that Leonie herself dreamed of becoming an actress there were some horrible similarities. She hoped she wasn't quite so vacuous as Zerelda.
Next she had watched a movie called The Trouble With Angels since it took place in a Catholic boarding school, albeit in Pennsylvania. It wasn't very encouraging either, since Leonie had absolutely no plans of becoming a nun herself which seemed to be the central plot.
Finally she had found a very old movie called Girls' Dormitory. Set in a Swiss finishing school, it turned out to be less about boarding school life than a sultry French student seducing the headmaster. As St Winifred's was staffed by nuns and headed by a Mother Superior, Leonie couldn't see her school career taking that route.
In a bit of a blur with everything being so new, she joined a group of girls crowding around a noticeboard. They were looking at lists to see who had been assigned to each dorm. Leonie was encouraged to hear some colourful expletives from those disappointed with the selections. These Brits didn't hold back when it came to swearing. There were no goshes and darns here.
Finally she reached the front and could look for her dorm. All the bedrooms seemed to be named with Catholic terminology: Rosary, Liturgy, Matins, Ascension, Beatitude. Leonie eventually discovered her own name next to Pentecost.
She was apparently sharing with three other girls: The Honourable Iphigenia Davenport, Mai Li Chen and Lady Harriet Venn. What the hell? Was this school or Aristocrat Academy? Leonie could only imagine how they would look down on her as a yank.
Mai Li sounded okay, but she'd doubtless turn out to be a Chinese princess or something.
With a very heavy heart, Leonie trudged up the wide staircase to the third and top floor, where Pentecost was supposedly located.
Inside her dorm she found a thin, tall girl with small wire—framed spectacles. She was pretty enough, but looked kind of shy. She also stooped a little as if to downplay her height. Then there was a shorter, very pretty dark—haired girl who was clearly Mai Li.
They introduced themselves as "Mai" and "Figgy".
Leonie was confused. "Figgy?"
The tall girl, who had a nervous appearance with wisps of wavy hair escaping her ponytail, blushed. "Iphigenia. It's a bit of a mouthful, I know."
"So she's Figgy. Much simpler," Mai said. "You're obviously Leonie. Feel free to bags the other window bed. Harry's rarely here so she won't care."
"Bags?" Leonie was confused.
"Reserve it. Grab it for yourself."
Pentecost dorm was at the corner of the building, giving it windows on both sides. This meant three beds enjoyed being next to windows, with the fourth by the wall and the door. They were simple, iron framed beds with grey woollen blankets and Leonie couldn't help thinking of the movie Annie.
Hoping that Mai was right about Harry — presumably Lady Harriet — not minding, Leonie put the box she was carrying onto the bed. She'd have to go back for her trunk, and probably have to beg someone else to help her carry it up the stairs.
As if reading her mind, Figgy asked: "Need any help with your trunk?"
"That would be super kind, thanks."
"You're American, aren't you?" Mai said. "What made you come here?"
"My grandmother. She's British." Leonie hoped this would be enough explanation. She really didn't want to get into any specifics.
Fortunately Mai didn't question her any further. She looked at her watch. "There'll be tea in the dining hall now but it's casual today, we can skip it if we like. Then nothing but unpacking until supper at seven."
Leonie, who was feeling hungry, said she should probably find out where the dining hall was.
"I'll take you after we've got your trunk," Figgy offered. "It's usually a good spread on the first day."
"It's so any parents dropping by don't realise that they'll starve us from tomorrow onwards," Mai said.
Leonie hoped she was joking. Given the dorm looked like a film set from Annie, she had a horrible feeling that cold mush might be on the menu.
Over tea Mai grilled her about high school in America. Leonie was amazed how much actual tea these British girls drunk, she had thought the stereotype was a joke. But it was more than true.
"I envy you so much. No uniforms and all those hot guys and parties," Mai said.
"Hot guys?"