
Lisons le monde

Eternal Love

Eternal Love


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Charles. A guy who has his third eye open will got to meet a cheerful ghost who's named Blaire that will follow him wherever he goes. The original plan was for him to help her see the light but what if he finds out something that would change everything. Something that would definitely affect the both of them. Will their forgotten connection to each other remains on the past or, they will have their chance to continue what they are before...
Afficher tout▼

"Yes, I will mom. Don't worry..." I stated with assurance in my voice while still trying best to concentrate on my driving.

I heard her sighed on the other line. "Okay, okay! just please be safe there and enjoy your vacation." She giggled. "Goodbye Charles. Mommy loves you!"

I nodded even though I know she wouldn't see it anyway. "Me too mom, bye." After that. I immediately hang up and put down my phone in front of me and just continued on concentrating on my driving.

Mom never changed since then! she still treats me like a little boy even though after I graduated college and became an engineer. But it's not that I don't like it though, I love being taken care of her but you know? sometimes it's just pissed me when I want to do things on my own and she'll always act like she still needed to guide me. For heaven's sake! i'm already twenty-eight! but then again I still can't blame her... i'm their only son and since dad died because of his heart disease, she's the one who's left to take care of me...

By the way, i'm currently in our home province. It's the place where we used to live before and where I was raised until we moved into the city. I really did missed this place for I have a lot of good memories here, specially my childhood memories. I decided to take a brake from my work for like maybe, three months? I just suddenly felt like I need to fully relax and distant myself away from the toxic city... i'm kinda tired mentally and physically so I decided to take a vacation here and we also have a house here, the house we used to live before so i'll be obviously staying there for a while, while i'm here.

Who knows? after this three months vacation of mine, i'll be able to have good ideas again for my future project blue prints? not gonna lie, the last project I had was almost rejected because of how I poorly put the details on the building they wanted to build. But luckily they gave me a second chance so I was able to revised it and gladly, they liked it and accepted it. It almost gave me depression! I happily wandered around my gaze outside my window shields when I realized that i'm currently entering the province's world class bridge. This was just newly built and the one who designed this was one of my engineering seniors. He really did a good job on this! the bridge was designed and built amazingly!

While just busy looking around, my attention was caught by a girl who was just standing on the left side on the edge of the bridge. I slow down my cars speed when i'm just about to cross my way from her to observe her. He was just standing straight while her hands was gripping tightly on the bridge's girder. I just want to continue driving and reach home as soon as possible but there's just something in her that I can't help myself but to just look at her and observe her. I immediately felt a sudden felling of panicked when she suddenly raised one of her legs and acted like she wants to jump.

I immediately stopped my car's engine and went get out from it to run towards her direction. My goodness is she planning to jump from this bridge and commit suicide?!

"W-wait! miss!" I loudly called to her while i'm now only two meter away from her. I was able to breathe normally again and felt relieved instantly when she took down her legs back to the ground and turned her body towards my direction.

I'm kinda stunned by her when I realized how beautiful she is... I think she's younger than me based on her young appearance and her dress. My eyebrows furrowed when I noticed that she's just now staring at me like i'm some kind of unbelievable thing. Okay why is she staring at me like that? I mean that's not the reaction she should have in this kind of situation of us, right? I immediately looked away from her when a sudden strong breeze of wind blew causing her short dress to flew in the air and probably exposed her legs.

"Y-you can see me?!" She asked hesitantly but with still amazement and excitement on her voice. If I'm not mistaken. The wind suddenly went to normal so I was able to look at her again.

I literally can see how her eyes were smiling while staring at me like she's currently looking into something that really makes her happy. I think of her question again and realized how weird is it. Why would she asked that? of course I can see her!

I smiled awkwardly. "Um yeah..."

"And it's me who's you're talking with now, right?!" She asked again with a very excited voice and happy face.

I half-nodded to her. "Obviously yes. After all there's no one else here except you and me..." I looked at our surroundings while saying those words. It's true, we're currently alone here in this huge, wide, world class brigde.

I became more confused when she suddenly jumped happily while clapping her hands in obviously, happiness. She just did that all over and over again like she just won in a lottery or something.

"Finally! I might cry in so much happiness..." She uttered with yes, teary eyes. What on earth is up with her? I literally did nothing--owh wait, was she that thankful that I stopped her from committing suicide? but she looks so cheerful so how come she'd thought of doing such thing?


"I can't believe this! living people like you really did exist!" She suddenly blurted making me feel like i'm talking to someone who's dramatically hestirical. "You are the first one who managed to see and talked to me! i'm so happy..." She added while wiping her eyes. And now she's also crying?

"I'm glad that you are that thankful to me." I took a step closer to her. "But may I ask you something?"

She cheerfully nodded. "Sure! What is it?"

"Why did you--"

"Omg can I hug you?!" She suddenly interrupted, again. "I just want to make sure if this is real... please?" What is with that emotion in her eyes? I can't read it but i'm sure she's really thankful and happy now.

"O-okay..." Maybe she's just one of those lonely people who has no one to talked to. I'm glad I was able to stop her from her plan earlier and i'm also proud of myself that I made someone happy this day... i'm kinda introvert so I barely have friends and i'm also socially awkward so it makes me happy and nervous at the same time everytime I meet and talk to strangers like her.

I just stood straight and watched her while she's now slowly walking closer towards me. She looks scared, hesitant but still excited at the same time. I know there's something in her, I just can't pin point it but yeah, there's really something unusual about her... I was frozen for a minute when she suddenly hugged me tightly. She's so cold but maybe it's because of the cold weather in this province and she's been here since earlier. I unconsciously smiled when I realized something while she's hugging me.

She's the first ever, stranger who hugged me. Wow, I don't know why but I kinda felt some nostalgic feeling while she's hugging me... it feels like she's not a stranger to me at all, weird. I just hugged her back too and rubbed her back to comfort her. I can't help but to get really, really confused. Why is her hug so familiar to me?! it's like this is not the first time we met each other and hugged each other. Who is this girl? why do I feel so comfortable with her?

I automatically woke up from my deep thoughts when she finally let go of me. She lifted her head and is now staring at me with twinkling eyes and wide smile. She's really beautiful... specially everytime she smiles.

"This is really happening. I'm not dreaming!" She suddenly said while keeping her eyes fixed on mine. "You're so warm..." She weirdly stated again as she slowly reach out for my cheek and caressed it with her cold hand. "I like it." She added that made me nervous a little.

Her she goes again with her weird reaction and words. I don't know why but even though i'm kinda nervous of her, there's a part of me who's weirdly comfortable with her. I think that's the exact reason why i'm letting her caressed my cheek now even though we're just completely strangers to each other... her cold touch. It's making me shiver in coldness but there's still warmness in it that I can't explain. I guess she's not the only one who's weird here...

But, what part in this scene of us does she think as unbelievable? for me everything is pretty normal. Except of the nostalgic feeling she's giving me of course.