
Lisons le monde

Evil Girl Meets Sweet And Good Girl

Evil Girl Meets Sweet And Good Girl

Auteur:Izay t

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What will happen if two different people bump to each other... They will help to grow each or other Will one of them will forgive or this is the start of something Let's read to answer our question in our mind.. This is the first time i will create a novel so the pressure is a little big ahahah
Afficher tout▼

Misty is just a simple and kind girl came from a well known family because her dad is a multi billionaire in the country.

Her dad is a strict but loving dad to his 3 children

Named Lester, Ivan and her only daughter Misty.

Misty is a girl who's passionate to study from grade level to college!

And her life suddenly change upside down when she meet the rebellious girl named althea!

And the story start here.

Althea is a girl who have a hard life

Her dad is rich but his priority is his business and not her

Althea is a good and loving daughter before until her mother died!

Althea is one of the most popular girl in her school because she is real a beautiful girl and for being a bully to her classmate and school mates with her bestfriend tania a varsity player

Thats why men or women have a crush on her

But she didn't invest to love to someone because she believe it will lead to a heart break!

She really have a smooth sailing life from grade school to high school life she has a freedom because her father is not a strict dad all she need to do is to passed even if she is a bully in her school because they already talked about it to let her have a freedom!

Even her dad is a busy man her auntie is the one who take care of athea like a mother to her.

Something she visit to her school just to go to the principal office for being a bully.

When she started on her first year college she really dont like what course she take because her dad decide about it and she just follow what her dad wants.

Her course is BS Management

But she really want is BS Architect major in fine arts instead.

So in her first day she didnt go to her class instead she decide to go to one vacant room just to take a nap but suddenly one girl entered that room.

And that's the start her life change.

Chaper 1.0 during grade level

Althea pov:

While playing at the park during the breaktime

Together with her friend tania

Suddenly her teacher rush to call her to the principal office for a call which is her father on the other line.

Althea: hello dad why are you calling?

Matteo/ althea's dad: althea i called you because there is an emergency... your mom sarah got an accident while going to the market to buy our grocery..

one unknowned car crash to her car and died on the spot!

Althea: whaaaatttt whyyyy??

While her tears flow to her face and lose her balance until she find her self craying on the floor.

Principal: athea what happen while rushing to go to althea when she saw her crying she just hug her and let her calm!

Althea: ma'am my mom died and continue to cry endlessly


On the first night of mommy sarah, althea cant help her self to go and look for her died mom she cant imagine to see her mom without life

But her auntie try to convince her to go and look for her mom

While walking her tears started to fall one by one

Everything to her is blur and slowmo

The hurt she feel in her heart is too much to handle

Her mom very caring and loving mother.. she take care of her from infant up to now!

So she feels like empty!

Althea: Mom why you leave me so sudden???

What will happen to me and dad that your gone?

We can't live without you mom.

Please come back!

Matheo: althea we cant do anything about this.. we can't change what happen

All we can do now is to pray to god for you mom and for us to guide us now that you mother is gone!

while hugging althea

Time passed

After a week of althea being absent to her class he ask althea to come back to her class so she can get the lesson she did not take.

Her auntie help her to get ready to come back to school

She let her althe eats her breakfast before going toschool!

Althea let her auntie help her because his dad is very busy to his business after her mom die.

End the elementary days:

Tania: shouting Althea's name

When she saw althea walking on the hallway

Althea: hello! While taking a deep breath

Tania: what happen? Any problem?

You know what and you already know that i'm always here for you no matter what happen right?

Althea: yes i know and thank you for that

Thank you for not leaving me all the time you are here for me!

Athea: wait tania do we have a new classmate?

I just saw someone that i didn't know.

Tania: ahh that girl? While pointing to to girl at the end of the hallway.

Althea: yes that girl!

Tania: that's misty new trasferee from other school

Her family is new to our town actually where same subdivision. Why you ask?

Althea: nothing just asking.