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Autor:Bosy Elselhdar


Javier was a good-wine-taster and Perfect Woman-Taster. Jumping from bed to bed was normal. Until one day, he woke up next to a hot woman. But something was different this time. It was his bed. She was hot. She didn't leave because there was a marriage certificate that said ‘she will take half of everything he has if they divorced.' But he couldn't even when they got married — Because he was too drunk. Or maybe it was a prank!


"Baby, I want you now!" Helen grabbed me, twisted her arms around my neck. Swatting me behind the wine bottles touching my dick. I cleared my throat.

"What? Here? Now?" I rolled my eyes, but my body was heating up, her insane mind influenced me to erect.

"Yes, here and now! Without a moment's hesitation." Helen gazed at me, and chomped her lips.

I stared at her lips and the way she was licking her lower lips "Okay, but what if someone saw us! You know that you are my client! The boss will rebuff me or possibly fire me."

"Baby! The boss is your father! And you are the heir of this wine company! So— He can't complain or grumble about satisfying and fulfilling your clients' desires." She slipped her hands into my pants, making me moan with pleasure.

"Okay, I guess we can make it fast," I nodded then I pinned her body against the wall, raising up her dress and dropping down my pants, and yes, I did it for 10 minutes. Who can blame me for satisfying my client after all! Except that I didn't do this only with her! I don't do anything in my day except fucking women and drinking all night and make my special wine—

So at least I do work hard .. I am one of the best in this job in the country actually and my father and my grandfather were well known for decades, we own millions of hectares of land full of grapes [karma].

"Javier!" My father reprimanded my name— I straightened out my suit and I pecked her cheeks and I raced outside.

"Yes, boss!" I blew a sharp sigh when I found him talking with some clients, yes he didn't see me thank god.

"Where have you been?!" My boss raised an eyebrow checking me up and down. I guess he noticed something.

I stuttered "I was just checking something! And do you need something boss!"

"Yes, don't poop in my office! Be a man! You are not a teenager! You are almost 25 years old! Find a wife please!"My father tossed me with a nauseated look.

I gasped at a struck "God! Wife! No, I am excessively youthful for commitment!"

"Just get out! Your mother called you several times! She wants you immediately." My boss informed me.

Okay we are too professional, at work he is my boss, but at home, he is my father. And when he says, my mother called, both of me and him just obeyed her orders and comply with her requests. Not because she's a stern, firm, powerful woman but both of us totally in love with her, she's the sweetest person in the universe.

I nodded "Yes, I am going! Don't be late, father. Sorry I mean boss."I waved to my father and I hopped inside my car, I met one of my girls coming towards me and she blocked my way while I was getting inside my car "Baby, I want to see you tonight." She winked at me.

"Sorry, I am busy, it's my mother, so move your butt." I heaved with an annoyed tone. And I sped up my car, ignoring her. Yes, I am a digging dick man but not when it comes to my mom.

I parked my car in our mansion garage .. Typically, our house was built over thousands of hectares .. Huge full of everything you could imagine or dream about. It's like a paradise thanks to our mother and my father's family.

And did I mention that I am the only man in this family! Our families were full of girls! And no I didn't sleep with all of them! Okay, most of them.

"Mom." I searched by my eyes all over the palace shouting her name, the servants pointed to me that my mother was in the kitchen. Alright, with all those maids and servants, but she likes to cook by herself .. And to be honest I have never tasted food better than her food, she's the best.

"Then you are here! God! You almost killed me! Why are you doing this mother! You keep saying it's urgent and its normal case! I told you before don't use this word even if it was urgent! Someone died, or fire or—" I blew a breath of relief raising an eyebrow at her.

"Son, it's urgent! You need to have dinner or you will lose your power especially after moving from bed to bed!"She raised her eyebrows crossing her arms over her chest smirking.

I gulped rolling my eyes "Mother! I am not! "

"Oh ! Really! I am so disappointed Javier!" She shook her head in disappointment.

"Really I am not moving from bed to bed! It's in my bed !! I just change the girls, that's all." I teased her then I leaned a bit pecking her cheek.

"Son, it's all written in your cup of coffee and your tarot! You are going to fall in love soon with a virgin girl." She placed her hands over my shoulders.

I frowned "Mom, why do you keep telling me this!"

"Whatever! I think you still don't know what you really are, sleeping with too many girls doesn't mean that you are straight! Actually, I prefer to see you committed to a dog and not sleeping with every girl comes your way." My mom mumbled.

"Can we change the subject please?" I widened my eyes.

"Yes, but promise me first, that you will never sleep with girls anymore and you will find a wife for you! And stop drinking the whole night!" My mom commanded me gazing deeply into my eyes.

I raised my hand to my head "I promise you, mom."

"Now, could you go for blind dates! I .. " My mom was explaining to me .. I cut her off, shook my head "Absolutely not! I am handsome, rich, sexy! My contact list is full of hundreds of girls so why should I go on a blind date?" I disagreed.

"Okay then find someone! You look like a model from a fashion magazine! Wearing brands and expensive shoes and driving an expensive car, lifeless." My mom gazed in disbelief, what! Where's the crime here!

"So what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Son let me tell you— You could enjoy your life by love, not by money. Cash makes you alive not full of happiness. Someday you will find someone you will die hard to commit with, and she will reject you." My mom informed me, her tarot never lied , that's why I felt some pain in my chest .. I am afraid of commitment, I hate to be so weak. I am especially positive, so if I fell in love with a girl and she kicked me out of her life, this would kill me immediately, mentally.

My father entered the house and came across to the kitchen, kissing my mom .. "Well sweet birds, I have to go now." I winked at them.

"Stay! Have dinner and then go." My father commanded me with a stern tone. I nodded.

My phone started to ring, one of my bad friends actually was calling me. So I excused them to answer "Yes sam." I said in a whisper tone.

"Meet you tonight at gabriela club, don't be late," Sam said to me.

I cupped my phone "Sure, bye at 12 am." I whispered then I spun my head to find my mother sticking to me, I drew a yellow smile, sure she heard everything.

"Not again Javier please," My mom frowned, I kissed her head and I rushed out of the house waving to them "Bye for now." How I should stay and they keep complaining daily about my life! My life was so interesting until this night! Everything turned upside down.