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Endangered Love: Will Love Conquer All

Endangered Love: Will Love Conquer All


En proceso

Dr. Mikayla Stone a Cardiovascular Surgeon that knows everything about hearts but the question still stand if her heart will stay hers and if she can protect it from her patient Luke Walters? Join me in the ups and downs of their relationship and see if love will win at the end?

  "Code blue! Room 305"

  The speakers blare through the floor and I know this is my patient, I just spend twenty-four hours of surgery on. I knew his heart won't be able to take this much work on it, let alone cardiac arrest. I run the fastest that I can while putting my hair into a bun. I told his family I'll do my very best to save him and I'll damn well do it! I get to Mr. Hendricks's room and the team is already here waiting for me.

  "Dr. Stone, he's already in V-fib but we waited for you before we do anything as you requested"

  "Thanks, please get a liter of saline if we need it"

  I know that his heart muscle will be too weak for CPR so I'll just use the defibrillator and shock him to see if his heart will work one more time for us. I put it on his chest.


  Everyone moves away from the body and I shock him at the lowest voltage. I watch the monitor in anticipation and hope that I don't have to do that again. I'm afraid that I might damage the heart even more. The monitor keeps on giving me a long beeping sound and the line stays straight line.

  "Dr. Stone?"

  "Just wait for it"

  I hold my breath and start to pray. I really need this man to make it. I gave my best and I'm sure I did everything as the textbook says. I just stare at the monitor and everyone stares at me in unbelieve but I know I did everything right. I feel my own heartbeat elevating and fear starts to creep into my soul. What if I didn't do everything right? Then I hear him breathe in deeply and the beautiful sound of a beeping monitor sings in my ear.

  "We almost lost you there for a second, Mr. Hendricks. Please don't give us a fright like that again"

  He can't talk back but he smiles and rests his head on his pillow. I turn around and quickly give instructions to the resident on call. I find my way back to my office and gather my things. I'm finished for the night and I think I should visit my favorite place before I head home.

  "Goodbye, Jen. Please keep an eye on the resident for me?"

  Jen is the head nurse and I only trust her to look after my patients. The resident on call for the night isn't the one I trust the most. He's still a bit wet behind the ears.

  "I will Dr. Stone, as always"

  I smile and know that my patients are in good hands. It's not often that a Cardiothoracic Surgeon finds a good nurse to look after their patients. I get into my car and make my way to the coffee shop on the corner. This is the place where I find my freedom and peace of mind. As I walk into the shop the waiter stops me immediately.

  "Ah, Dr. Stone, can I get you your usual booth?"

  "Thank you, Lydia but I think I'll go wild tonight and sit at the bar. You do look busy tonight"

  "That's kind of you to say doctor but you must know we're never too busy for our very best customer?"

  I pat her on the shoulder as a thank you for her kind words.

  "Not to worry, I also do like to change things up ever so often"

  I walk toward the bar and find myself a seat at the far corner of the bar. I was just about to sit when someone bumps into me.

  "What de…"

  And then I see his face. I've had my fair share of people that crossed my path every day and I've seen hundreds of people of all walks of life but this man, this man is from another world. His blue eyes stare straight into my soul and I feel my knees weakening.

  "Oh god, I'm sorry, miss I wasn't watching where I was going. Please forgive me?"

  I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks as his raven black falls over his forehead at the perfect moment. He speaks in a deep sexy voice and I struggle to react the way I should.

  "No, it's no problem. Thank you"

  Thank you?? Why would I say thank you? Urgh. A smile appears on his gorgeous face as he realizes that I said something wrong but he skillfully tries to hide it.

  "I mean, it's no problem"

  "Yeah, I kind of got that. Well, I have to be off. Enjoy the rest of your night"

  "You too"

  He walks away but I catch him staring at me for a moment too long. Then, it's my turn to smile and I order my usual drink for the night while I open my romance novel, My Navy Seal and get lost in the richness of the book.


  The moment I saw that woman walking through the door I knew that I had to meet her. Her long brown hair that's fixed into a bun just fell in the right places after what seems like a long day for her. But when I saw her eyes I was instantly hypnotized by her. I don't know who she is but it did make me get up from yet another dinner with my overprotective mother. I just had to do something to get her attention.

  I hear my mother talking excessively in the background but my eyes keep on watch this enticing woman, try to figure out a way to meet her. Suddenly I have an idea.

  "Mother, I have to go to the restroom. I'll be back"

  "What's wrong??"

  "Relax mother, I'm fine"

  I stand up and walk straight into her path and bump lightly into her. The moment she turned around and I saw her face up close, I know, I need more of her. When she opens her mouth my heart jumps a beat and my being yearns for her. Then she goes and fumbles over her words and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen as her already rosy cheeks turn even redder.

  As we speak her lily and vanilla scent fills my senses and I struggle to keep my distance from her. I excuse myself as I know that my mother would come looking for me if I stayed away for too long but not before I notice that she's someone that works at the nearby hospital. I walk away and just stare at her one more time as her body speaks inaudible words to me.

  I get back to the table of torture and of course, my mother asks me the question she's been asking me since I was eighteen years of age. Suddenly all the emotions of desire I've just experienced disappeared in a second when hearing my mother's voice.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, mother and I've been okay now for almost seven years, now please, can we just eat in peace?"

  "Of course we can, you know I'm just concerned about you"

  "Yes, I know mother but please. I'm fine. Let's enjoy the meal please?"

  I eat my meal but my eyes wander to the beautiful creature that I've just encountered ever so often. I just need to get to know that woman somehow.

  We finally finished the meal and make our way out the door but before we go out, I ask my mother to wait in the limo for me.

  "…and yes mother, I'm fine"

  I make my way back to where that woman sat at the bar to at least get her name but to my disappointment, she has already left. I want to kick myself for I knew I lost my chance to meet someone I could possibly see myself with in the future. I turn around to go back to the limo but then I bump into yet another woman and this one, I really didn't want to bump into.

  "What are you doing here?"