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My Vampire Teacher-Lucia

My Vampire Teacher-Lucia


En proceso

A young lady name Lucia living in a small place, going through some emotional experience about her parents getting a divorce without talking to her about that first. She and her mother decide to leave the place, which she knows her entire life behind and start a new life somewhere else, where she met the vampire, Brenda her teacher.


Lucia POV

"So you and mom are leaving? "Chrissy asked, sitting next to me on the couch .

I sighed, feeling bad to see her like this,"I guess we do, please come with us. "I begged her.

A sad emotion crossed on her face, giving me a pain in the heart,"You know I can't, but I will join you guys soon. " she assured me. Rather tell me, how are you doing?" She asked me.

"I can't exactly tell, but I'm just so angry with myself and with both my parents, for not telling me",I responded.

"They will, maybe one day, explain to you. Why after all these years and why they want to separate from each other. Give them time darling and be there for your mother."she told me, taking my hands in hers.

I smiled, looking at her, "thank you, I just wish you could come with us you know. I'm going to miss you", I told her.

"I'm going to miss you too, but please don't make it hard for me like it is already, you know I can't leave right now", she told me looking sad.

"I'm sorry, this is just so hard for me, to leave you all alone and all by yourself. Are you sure you're going to be alright? " I asked, smiling at her.

" Hard is dead", was all she responded back, taking me in her arms and hug me so tight. I want you guys to be happy, that's all. "she said and withdrew herself from me.

" I don't wanna go, why is this happening now?" I asked, feeling tears threaten to fall out as I hid my face in my hands.I

" Lucia, your mother didn't ask for this, your father was the one asking for divorce and yes he was never home anyway and what did that put mom through huh? "she asked, caressing my back.

" I know, but it's just I'm leaving you and all our memories and other friends behind,and I just can't stop thinking why dad wants to have a divorce. I don't know if I can cope with all of this and now we leaving, for life",

"You will just make me cry and go back to your mother to change her mind,to leave you here with me ", she told me, hugging me again. All things will work out, you just see."she told me.

" I would love that my friend, if you are even going to make her change her mind. I don't think that will ever happen. I'm sorry, I just really don't wanna go, next year is our last school year and we are going to be Farwell partners.

I heard her giggle making me look at her with furrowed brows,"You know I love you right? She asked me. I just nodded my head confirming her that I know. So we both know that your mom and dad weren't happy in this marriage, but at least you still have both your parents and they love you unconditionally, no matter the situation." She said with so much sadness in her voice almost making me cry.

I know this is really hard for her, since she doesn't have any parents, but we took her in as our own. She is not my friend but my sister, my everything and I basically can't without her. I know the main reason why she doesn't wanna come with us is because of the memories of her late parents. She still holds onto it and it breaks my heart to see her like this. I must say I'm going to miss her. She was and is always there for me and leaving her here is like saying goodbye to a dead person. We have been through a lot together and leaving her all behind wasn't something I think I can live with.

All the things we did, the memories, our dreams. It's going to be hard to make new friends all over again. I know us leaving took a big toll on her, she just has a good way of not showing it. She's going to break down the moment we leave and she's not going to show us off, but I think it's better if she just stays home. I don't think I can see her crying like that. I felt some eyes burning holes in me as I looked towards her.

"You find my sweetie", she asked me, looking concerned. "Yes I will be", I responded.

"Come on Lucia, you act like we are never going to see each other again, I'm going to visit you and maybe stay there forever. I just need to sort out a few things here, come on girl, you act like a baby now." she said laughing at me.

"Like a baby, oh no I don't", I yell throwing the pillow of the couch at her making her laugh more.

"Yes you are, because you are sulking like a baby who wants to drink from her mother." she told me making me throw another pillow at her.

"I wonder who you're going to bother again and call a sulking baby." I told her,beating her with the pillow, but she just couldn't stop laughing , which can make a person feel bad.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry", she told me when she saw I'm not stopping from beating her with the pillow while I just smiled.

" I didn't hear you", I teased her.

"I said I'm sorry ", she screamed, making me laugh at her.