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The Ultimate Cosmosheroes: Children of the Sun and the Moon

The Ultimate Cosmosheroes: Children of the Sun and the Moon

Autor:Hannibal Lecteur

En proceso

« Year 2222, Ouroboros is a city possessed by evil. Crime is 99% there. Everything is happening in the midst of a totalitarian dictatorship. The government then decided to lock up in this city, all the outcasts of society in this stinking and despicable cloister, which is enclosed by a great impenetrable wall. It is in Ouroboros that Phoebus and the young woman live, two poor young people from the most infamous part of the city and the other, which is less so. Both see their lives turned upside down one evening when Phoebus comes home drunk and he helps a beautiful young woman against three thugs. Until an abnormal eclipse that only takes place every thousand years appears. This eclipse called: "Divine Glow" completely bathes him and the young woman in its rays. Their fates are intertwined from that fateful evening and they will acquire mysterious gifts and a strange appearance thereafter. Superpowers oblige, these gifts will completely upset them and bring to light their deep convictions which are in total contradiction with the whole of their way of life, their personality and their thoughts. Children of the sun and the moon, they will have to join forces to destroy the evil, the criminality, the chaos and the devastation of their city and of the whole of France. Will they get there? What are they? What will they do to annihilate the evil within its walls? Nobody knows. But you'll find out when you read this fantastic story: full of twists and turns, action, adventure, suspense, fights and superpowers.

Crime rages, chaos and desolation take hold of the place with ferocity and they dominate the horizon from one side to the other. They rule the city and the entire territory. They put "Ouroboros" to fire and blood. Named like this because the city represents the snake that bites its own tail, that's exactly what it is here. This is the meaning of this cursed name, synonymous with misfortune.

 Within it, an infinite circle of evil that acts within these walls, it is more present than any other living entity here. It never stops and gets worse every year... The crime rate is ninety-nine percent, poverty, unemployment, hunger, violence, prostitution, drugs, human and organ trafficking, and corruption and bribery are commonplace. Ouroboros, where I was born and grew up, is on its way to ruin. Fear, misery, violence, suffering and despair are piling up above our heads and a dark shadow engulfs this city without being able to fade away...

This feeling of insecurity mixed with unease, bitterness and dismay I feel every day in my guts. Pain and pressure harder and more present every day as the weeks and months go by. A sword of Damocles stands firmly there and encompasses everywhere this infamous and feared place. A kind of ball that you have to drag your feet all your life.

I grew up there, in a poor area of ​​this city in ruins and with no escape for me ....

It's a real cut-throat and heartbreak to live here every day ... A nest shit and garbage, that's what I think at that moment in spite of myself. It’s paradoxical, because I want this city as much as I fear it.

I'm just a lousy little gas station operator in a dirty corner of town. My station has already been held up eight times, including five where I was behind the cash register. I can say that it is very scary, when a gun is pointed at our head or chest whether it is loaded or not…

Then, being pointed at eight times in the same place is certainly not common elsewhere. However here in Ouroboros it has become usual and therefore a most mundane situation. I always wonder why my boss has not closed elsewhere, surely out of the energy of desperation. Then perhaps also because he will starve like everyone else here, if he closes ... No choice, you have to deal with ... He has reinforced security with surveillance cameras but unfortunately, they do not work all the time here, surely for lack of means once again ...

We have an old television, but it still works. Every day on the news, including at my workplace, I see crime sneaking through every gap, every bowel of this city and slamming down there like a mad dog. A bit of unusual information, however, calls out to me for a moment that day by skipping the channels. The presenter announces that in three weeks to the day, a lunar and solar eclipse will take place. That the phenomenon is immensely rare, due to the fact that it only happened once and that was a thousand years ago, and will happen again a thousand years after our era. She is about to explain how the phenomenon unfolds.

The moon and the sun revolve around each other, going so far as to become deeply entangled together to form one and the same star. Then an hour later, they uncross and return to their original places. This fusion which causes an abnormal eclipse is called: "Divine Glow", because its rays are of an exceptional color, mixing all those known from the rainbow and a shimmering and incandescent glow. This glow is so strong that the circulation must be stopped, added to the fact that one must stay at home.

It is an obligation more than a recommendation. Since this light can burn our retina and make us blind, in addition to burning our skin to the third degree. It is a magnificent sight, of course, but not to be taken lightly.

This eclipse will take place on Saturday, December 22 of this year two thousand two hundred and twenty-two. Coincidence or divine destiny? No one knows, why precisely on this date, but it has a mystical connotation. However, I jot down the insignificant information in my mind, only to let it slip away almost immediately afterwards. Then I turn off the screen, because this event has no place for me at all, I don't care ...

This parenthesis aside, I am already thinking about the disastrous fate in which my city finds itself. I can't stand to see all this happen, the police and the authorities are completely overwhelmed by the events and they do nothing for its inhabitants of France. Or more commonly referred to as the outcasts of society, us. They often arrive too late, or do not have time to react to an emergency situation. Here's how rot has taken over our community. And that's also why I haven't watched TV for a while, still horrible news every day, to sink us deeper into the deepest contempt and despair!

I end my shift for the day, again on a negative and trying note today.We are still only Tuesday, I will still need a lot of courage to face the rest of the week which promises to be stifling ... I am already jaded, faced with so much monstrosity that France suffered at this moment. How did we get there ? I often ask myself the question without ever having an answer, of course ... We are still in two thousand two hundred and twenty-two, the situation cannot be worse than now, can it?

When I was little my grandmother often told me this story, which she got from her own grandma when she was younger, who herself also got it from hers, etc. All that, going back two hundred years, well, in his day people lived in harmony. They supported each other, showed solidarity and humanity. Generosity, but above all justice, still existed. And the culprits paid for their present or past crimes. It was good to live. We weren't afraid to face tomorrow, to regret yesterday, or to exist today.

We lost it all a long time ago and we don't know these positive feelings. These feelings of security, joy of living, mutual aid, solidarity and hope are totally foreign to us French people.

I never feel such a degree of bliss in all my life and inner peace is totally unknown to me. It is at a point to wonder what it can be. I don't know and probably never would. It all ends in a very sad conclusion. But hey, no matter what, you have to live well and deal with it.