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Top Werewolf Romance Books of This Year

Top Werewolf Romance Books of This Year

2023-02-03 13:42:47
  • Her Deadly Revenge


    "What's that?" I whispered to myself as I felt something moved very fast behind me. It was very dark at night and a dim-lighted lamp was the only source of light I had to see my way home! "Oh my God!! What could that be?" I whispered to myself again as it moved again, this time, I felt it getting closer to me. Suddenly, I heard a soft whisper close to my left ear "she's back and will spare no one". I became more terrified and decided to run. As I was running, I felt that something was running after me, something I couldn't see. Suddenly, my foot hit a stone on the ground and I fell down with a loud thud, shattering the only source of light I had to pieces! And as I was trying slowly to get back to my feet, I was startled by what I perceived in my nostrils. It was as if what was chasing me was right before my face but yet, I couldn't see it, I could only perceive the smell of warm human blood!
    Werewolf ★ 0
  • The Alpha's Mistake


    On a house full of rogues, I found my mate. But he wasn't there to rescue me; he was there to kill. I've quickly discovered that he has the most pain in this world. His emotions are all over the place and no matter how hard I try, he doesn't want to share them with me. So, we both dived into a chase through a twisting maze of deceit and intrigue. I took my mate with me in a winding labyrinth filled with power play and conflict. And there seems to be no winner.
    Werewolf ★ 0
  • The Half Blood Luna

    The Black Daisy

    Ella is a 17 year old servant, who has been abused by the alpha and beta of her pack for quite sometimes. After they are killed, a new alpha takes over the pack and Ella tries to run away and start a new life for herself. However, fate does not allow her to escape into the human world, when she gets caught and taken back to the pack house to be punished by her new alpha for running away. Alpha Klaus is conflicted about punishing a 17 year old girl who was obviously running away from something, or someone. Yet, he needed to set an example out of her to prove to his new pack that he is not to be crossed with. Dangerous secrets require alpha Klaus to keep Ella safe and protect her despite her apparent hatred of him. Will she ever be able to trust another alpha again? Will alpha Klaus ever open his heart to someone else after he lost his mate?
    Werewolf ★ 4.8